Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Today during a break at school, I signed on to the internet to check out a stellar review that was written about my mom's english tea room on NJMonthly.com.

First the google page came up and it read "GOOGLE" in big letters (normal) and then underneath that in small text was "France".
I must have stared at this for 2 minutes straight. Sometimes I completely forget that I am in France and it just hits me like a ton of bricks. What do I make of this? I am speaking French constantly and in my dreams my American friends are even speaking French, yet I forget that I am in FRANCE itself. Absurd.

am I crazy?

anyways, everyone should go to said tearoom. it is the place to see and be seen. :o)


  1. Love the tea shop. I'm a frequent NJ traveler so I'll have to check it out sometime when I'm back in the States!

  2. yes you must! it's fantastic! take care!
